Hannah n'GRAINED

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A Good Shop Dusting, for Success!

So, I’m reading a great book Jake gifted me on Christmas, by a fellow jewelry artist, and I’m seeing a lot of similarities between our mindsets when first starting out! It’s reassuring…and at times comical to think back on trial and error 😆 On the outset, we both felt a sense of urgency (purely fueled by eagerness and excitement) to SELL! Because selling equates to money, and money equates to success. In a purely capitalistic view, yes. But, for me, that’s not the only marker of having success…

I’m thankful to have grown up in a family where I understood success can be measured in many ways. Like, the feeling or function something brings to a customer, and knowing the ripple effect that can have! But, after a couple years, I had started to loose patience and commitment to some of the markers I felt would make n’Grained successful. I really didn’t like justifying the way I made something, because I didn’t have a stronger skill yet, but “just needed to get inventory made”. People close to me would say that, and it always sat sour inside. But, I also had no concrete reason to not consider that they may be right!

Welp, as I write this now, I am - yes - still eager for n”Grained to have success, financially. Though, I’ve since realized that in order for that to happen, the other measures of success have to be in place. There are three measures for me to feel confident and successful…


No longer compromising construction to fill quantity.


My commitment to stewardship of nature, by carrying the nature-connection and experience through all my work! Which, by the way, felt SO good to do with my recent Northeast Coast pieces.


Make more detailed notes, while I craft, to reference for consistency and opportunity for growth.

That’s why I decided to take many older pieces out of my shop (like all the ones above), that for one reason or another, don’t fit my criteria of success that is true to n’Grained. A bit of a pull out and get the dust in the corners situation, ya know?

This winter I’ll be sitting with these pieces and one by one, decide if their juice is worth the squeeze, and just needs some TLC! Whether it be a new chain, upgraded and soldered connections, deeper etching lines, or additional elements added, some pieces will make a comeback! Other’s will be deconstructed to repurpose into new work!

Not only will this be great opportunity to continue honing my metalworking skills, but a fun journey to take you on! I was embarrassed by the old work just sitting in my Etsy shop, but am now quite empowered by breathing new life into what I can!

Don’t worry, all recently crafted Northeast Coast inspired work made the cut, along with original illustrations and illustrated goodies! Visit the shop to see all the room for activities we have now!

Hugs -h