East to West…Preparing to move!

I’ve been pulled away from n’GRAINED a bit, the past few months. Lots going on in the background, to get our ducks in a row for our move to Colorado…it’s a wild and vulnerable ride buying a home via a FaceTime walkthrough! Just sayin’!

A portal, and conscious connection.

It has created a large lapse in studio time, and I feel it. Creating is what comes naturally to me, as an outlet for my unsettled energy. It’s where I find “meditation”, a soothing balm on my naturally anxious mind. It’s also a portal for conscious connection. This authentic connection is two-fold. It allows me to root-down into the elements of nature I’m incorporating in a design, and it fosters an opportunity for me to connect with you 💚 So, not having as much time for this, has me feeling a little disconnected and anxious.

Our new home n Colorado Springs!

saving grace’s!

My saving grace’s, amid the temporary influx of #adulting tasks, have been Lily time, nature journaling, and re-aligning with my intentions for n’GRAINED. Lily and I are adding a few more minutes to our regular walks 🐕‍🦺 for extra sniffing and exploring. I do hope she forms a core memory of this area, what I’ve called “home” for all my 36 years on this planet.

I continue to indulge in curiosities I find when we walk, and add to my perpetual nature📓journal. The 10-15 minute pause in my day, for an entry, is needed to keep any degree of sanity 🥴 My perpetual journal is currently four years of continued observations while living and adventuring here in the northeast. Would it “muddy the waters” to start adding observations when we move? Or create a cool opportunity for comparison between geographic regions?

Hop to my IG for most recent entries, I’m trying to be more diligent about posting them each week!

And simpler designs…

With the lack of time to craft more involved jewelry pieces in my studio, a conversation with fellow jewelry muse, Harmony Winters, helped break this philosophy I’ve had. That is that all my pieces “need to have my illustration in the design, in order to be n’GRAINED”.  I now see that’s very narrowed thinking, when my intention for n’GRAINED is really to create overall nature-connection. So, I’m “unpacking” designs that aren’t illustrated, but are definitely crafted from a place of forming nature-connection, and practicality! It just so happens to align with life right now…less time, less tools and less space…until I setup my new studio in CO!

To support me during this big move and transition, I appreciate keeping an eye on my IG announcements, and check-in with my Etsy shop for all my latest inventory!

Next up, full-time plans for n’GRAINED, and new studio space…